28 May, 2019


This coalition of five cheetahs in the Masai Mara moved to Olare Orok Conservancy recently taking a break from their territory in Masai Mara reserve. This famous coalition of five – the biggest ever recorded of unrelated males - could have sought new hunting grounds because it might be easier to hunt away from the Masai who take their cows to graze in the reserve at night forcing the cats to move away from their territories.

Anyway soon after crossing into Olare Orok Conservancy, the famous five hunted their first prey - a young warthog.

The Cheetahs feasted on the warthog which was just a snack for them.

As they were eating we noticed that one of the cheetahs had a severe injury on the testicle.

We immediately called cheetah researcher, Dr. Elena V.Chelysheva who is the founder of the Mara Meru Cheetah Project. She was not aware of the injury and alerted Dr. Limo who is the Kenya Wildlife Service vet. The researcher arrived soon followed by Dr. Limo who treated the cheetah.

A few days later the cheetahs crossed the Talek River and into the reserve spending most of the time in the open plains where it is easier to hunt.

The treated cheetah back on his paws.

Written by Pauline Omaribe
Photos by Mara Intrepids driver guide Silas Siele and Mara Meru Cheetah Project.

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