25 June, 2014


Life of Moja.

This male lion cub is part of the Rhino Ridge pride, west of Mara Intrepids Camp, with Mohican & Romeo2 as the two male dominant lions of the pride.

When Moja was three months old, he was cornered by a herd of six hundred buffaloes.

Moja sought refuge in a cave while Nyota, his mother played decoy and lead the herd away from Moja. When they reached Rhino Ridge, the buffalo lost interest and started grazing in a different direction. Nyota came back for Moja and led her cub up to the ridge to join Mohican and Romeo2.

Now Moja is making his own kills. Since it is the migration season, there is plenty of prey and he might not be solitary for long. He will probably team up with other nomadic males and form a coalition – which gives him a better chance of survival.

Les and Linda Nicol from the Isle of Man in the U.K and regular guests at Mara Explorer Camp are presenting a great coverage of the migration and the life of Moja.


Moja at topi plains looking miserable after being separated from the mother

Mohican the father of Moja listening to terrifying sounds made by rival lions in the distance.

Nyota mating at Topi plain

Other Ridge pride lion, Blacky mating with the ridge lioness
Other Ridge pride lion Lip-stick takes a nap

Report and pictures by John Parmasau – Head Safari Guide, Mara Intrepids and Mara Explorer Camps.
©Heritage Hotels Ltd, Kenya. http://www.heritage-eastafrica.com/

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