18 July, 2011

Zebra Gets Briefs Torn By Crocs - The Migration is On!


Mara is green and lush following the rains. The tall golden grass is interspersed with short patches of grass, which are littered with white waste-paper tissue flowers. The ravines and rivers are as yet not full of water and therefore easy to traverse.

The predators are having an easy time hunting due to the increase in herbivores. With the danger lurking in the tall grass, the herbivores are moving to the north-west conservancy and the Olare Orok Conservancy, up to the east of the reserve where the plains are covered with short grass. These are the routes taken when migrating from the Loita Plains via Aitong.

Wildebeest Migration

The wildebeest are in the Mara having crossed Sand River in large herds. They are showing signs of separating. Some are facing west around Roan Hill towards Mara Bridge. South of Look Out Hill another group is facing north towards Meta Plains, Central Plains and Possee Plain, which are south of Mara Intrepid Camp.

The herds look healthy because of the palatable grass. They are busy ranting - chasing each other around and the males are trying to keep the females. The males fight using their horns as weapons to win dominancy. The calves are healthy. The migration towards the Mara River is slow due to the rains in the southern part of the reserve - the grass is moist and the natural pools full of water. Hence it’s safer for the wildebeest to drink from the pools than trekking to the crocodile-infested Mara River.

The perils of the crossings are highlighted - in a small way - in the dramatic pictures below. John Kerore Parmasau, one of our Senior guides at Mara Intrepids captured when a hapless zebra was staring death in the face - rump if you may - and lived to bray it!

Blood oozes from a cut where sharp canines from the huge jaws of Nile crocodiles bit

The wildebeest on this bank think twice about crossing as they follow the unfolding drama

Our champ has fought the good fight..

And has a huge scar to show..

Just some torn briefs. Could 've been worse!

Looks like someone up there answers bray-ers.

Big cats sighting


The lions are all around the Mara Intrepids Camp. Notch and his son continue to dominate the largest part of the reserve. The Olkiombo Pride and the Marsh Pride are still controlled by the male pride.


Olive and her two cubs of different ages (Kayoni and the young female cub) are regularly seen between Mara Intrepids Camp and Rekero Camp. Pacha is back with his mother. The four were seen with a warthog kill west of Mara Intrepids Camp.
Big Boy relaxing
Olive also tried to hunt a young giraffe north of Olkiombo airstrip but the mother rescued it. However the foal sustained serious injuries on the neck and throat.


The three brothers moved to Olare Orok Camp.
Shingo, the mother of six cubs is east of Mara Intrepids Camp.
Two young expectant females are at Bila Shaka and Topi Plain.
Saba and her young male cub are around Musiara.
A young female cheetah gave birth six kilometres east of Mara Intrepids Camp.


The Mara ecosystem is thriving. Food is aplenty, and this is the ideal rutting season for most animals. Game viewing is also good, with a variety of birds and animals easily spotted.

Heritage Hotels (Kenya) manages two luxury camps in the Masai Mara - Mara Explorer and Mara Intrepids - in the confluence of the four game viewing areas of the Masai Mara. The camps are on the banks of the Talek River, with most tents spread along the banks.  
Report by Dixon Chelule, Assistant Head Guide and John Parmasau, Senior Guide, Mara Intrepids Camp. Pictures by Dixon Chelule and John Parmasau.©Heritage Hotels Ltd, Kenya.http://www.heritage-eastafrica.com/

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