16 June, 2008

News from Maasai Mara, Kenya June 16th 2008

Migration Update:
The mini migration which we reported last week is still ongoing, with many more zebra and a few wildebeest seen moving into the reserve from the east. However, this is not the main migration from the Serengeti ecosystem, but a ‘localized’ group from Loita moving into the reserve. When traveling to or from Narok, one can see herds of wildebeests heading into the park from as far Maji moto area.

The recently burnt grasslands south of the Mara triangle, coupled with the rains has been the catalyst for this movement. The herbivores in this ecosystem have come to associate the burning with fresh lush shoots, which is an irresistible delicacy - especially for the wildebeest! Most of the Mara plains are still awash with a sea of over grown red oat grass, which most herbivores find quite tough and rough for their digestive systems. This explains why the herds have just been rushing through the reserve when there is plenty of grass.

There were crossing activity at the Paradise crossing point over the week as herds cross over to the west of the Mara River. These were mainly the Loita herds from the north east around Musiara Gate, moving across Paradise Plain to the river and crossing westwards. Water levels at the rivers are still low and this makes crossing easy, but it hasn’t deterred the crocodiles from getting their meal.

The coming weeks will witness a lot more activity, and we shall be there to report from the frontline!

Big Cats:
The lion prides in our game viewing territory can still be seen in their respective locations. The Olkiombo Pride has settled to the east of Mara Intrepids over the last few days. Our guests at Mara Intrepids witnessed them killing a wildebeest a few days ago near the main Talek - Musiara Road. Shonko Pride is still thriving at Maji ya Eland, where they have split to maximize on the prey – in this case Topi and other resident antelopes concentrated in this location.

Leopard sightings have been good over the last few days. Even though the grass is still long, they were seen hunting on some clear patches. Olive was in her territory near Mara Intrepids, while two others females and the Rekero male were seen towards the Mara river.

Cheetah sightings have been rare over the last few days. However one female was seen regularly on Paradise Plain where there is a concentration of gazelles and other herbivores. There was also one female seen with one cub, but she moved into Olare-Orok conservancy.

Please log onto our website for weekly updates on the progress of the migration (and local Big Cat action) over the next three months.
Paul Kirui, Lead Safari Guide, Heritage HotelsMigration%20Map%20-%20June162008.jpg

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